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Be inspired and keep learning. 


I have chosen a few of my favorite resources to guide you toward

discovering your own health and well-being path.


There is power in knowledge - But only if you CHOOSE to use it.


Mind Pump: Raw Fitness Truth, Episode #1776: How to start strength Training, Getting in shape for a wedding, How to train around an unusual schedule. 

The Mind Pump podcast series is one of the best, most comprehensive and relevant fitness podcasts streaming right now! Hosted by Sal DiStefano, Adam Shafer and Justin Andrews, they discuss all the fitness and wellness topics you are curious about. They spill facts every episode and dispel nasty fitness rumors. They come at you with science and many years of experience. This particular podcast has some great information.  I suggest you begin the podcast at 54:30 to find out the Live Listener Questions answered (title of this podcast). But if you choose to listen to the entire podcast you are in for a treat! They are so smart and funny, talking about current events and dropping truth bombs about fitness and wellness every dang day!


Women Food and Hormones by Sara Gottfried, MD                  

Parsing out all the nutrition information on the internet, including social media, is not an easy task. I’ve read so many books on the topic, researched countless diets and to be completely honest I, like you, have had challenges trying to figure out what's best for me.         If you are wondering why your body isn’t responding to your healthy dietary changes and/or workouts, the book Women, Food and Hormones is for you. Balancing our hormones may seem like a complicated term, and whether it is or isn't, we can likely agree that we NEED to learn what our hormones are all about. And it becomes increasingly more important as  we age. If you are trying to lose or maintain your weight you will learn so much from this book! However you mustn't be in a hurry to read it. Take your time. Take notes. And maybe even talk to your doctor about it. You deserve to feel good inside and out so be empowered and learn!


Kiss the Ground  is a 2020 documentary film streaming on Netflix.                                                 

This is definitely one of those documentaries that everyone should watch. Climate change and global warming are indeed happening and the ideas presented in this film are educational, and inspiring.  However, if you are feeling overwhelmed by the state of our environment watch Kiss the Ground!  It will give you a better understanding of what we need to do and surprisingly, will also give you hope!             They so clearly point out that our agricultural system needs to be addressed to fix the mess we’ve made. Our soil and how we have been treating it needs to change. Our food system and farming is the basis of all health on this planet (environmental health and our physical health)! Watch this with your kids, nieces, nephews, anyone younger than you!

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#MOOD #moodismonumental #getouttayomind 

#FOOD #foodisthefoundation #eatrealfood #kitchenchronicles 

#GROOVE #yourgrooveisyourgame #moveyourbody #gymchronicles 

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