The MFG Project
The MFG Project serves as a blueprint for creating your healthiest life.
A simple, yet powerful strategy to prioritize your MOOD, your FOOD and your GROOVE daily.

Your MOOD Is
We all know that being in the right 'mood'
will make or break our day. Create your mood by being mindful of your sleep, stress, self-care, relationships and mental health. By noticing what you need on a regular basis, and implementing good habits, you will be better prepared to make healthy choices throughout the day.

Your FOOD Is
The Foundation
We love food! And enjoying our food is important to us - as it should be!
Eating healthy doesn't have to be inconvenient, uncomfortable or complicated. Take control of your health by eating real, whole foods daily.
Every system in your body will be rewarded with superior health.

Your Game
Fitness is my game - what is yours?
Our bodies are meant to move and groove
every day. Our bodies are meant to thrive
and make us feel empowered!
Finding a form of movement that you enjoy is essential for lasting health and one of the best things you can to to improve your health.
Move your body today!

Move Your Body Today!
Did you know that taking movement breaks throughout the day benefits your blood sugar, metabolism, hormones, cardiovascular system and mood?
Take time for YOU and step away from your computer for your mind + body! Repeat this simple one minute routine 2-5 times during the day when you need to re-focus and get an energy boost.